Momming like a Meteorologist

I recently did a poll on Facebook to try to see which profession is most like being a mom. The two options were a referee or a meteorologist. Referees tend to judge and make calls on difficult situations and then the players have to abide by them and carry on with the game in a way that is fair. Meteorologists have to predict the weather and instruct the world on how to go out and face it, not knowing if they are actually right, but just basing it on percentages of probability. 100% of those who participated said that moms are more like a meteorologist. I completely agree and here's why...
In my perspective, referees have a little more power than moms. Referees can adjust the game to make it more fair. Even when someone is cheating, even when accidents happen, they have rules in place and tools in their playbooks to assist, adjust, and bring all of the players back to the goal of the game. I am not saying that being a referee is easy or that they are always right. Usually no matter what the call, referees end up with enemies on one side or the other. That has to be hard. However, I think that momming would be a little easier if I had a magical whistle that forced everyone to stop and look at me.
I know that Meteorologists don't have it easy either. They have to make predictions about the weather, that, yes, are based on science. However, weather can change in an instant and become totally different than what was on the morning news. We all know the saying that if you don't bring your umbrella, it's going to rain, right? If you don't wear layers to prepare for four seasons here in Michigan, that cold fall morning at 55 degrees is going to turn into a stifling 85 degrees at noon and you will be stuck in your warmest sweater sweating it out at work or school. Similar to this, my children's attitudes, opinions, likes and dislikes, tastebuds, and hobbies can all change in an instant. These are not always based on the child. Sometimes friends and trends have to do with it. Sometimes they just go through something hard that you can't shelter them from. And I just have to roll with the punches and do my best to predict, see it change, adjust, and keep on keeping on!
Example A: Shawn's interests

Somedays my youngest, Shawn, wants to do fun and easy stuff like play nerf wars in the basement dressed as his favorite super heroes. I'm all for that! Other days, he wants to create a flying luxury scooter with an old car seat, and scotch tape...

I had to veto this creative streak unfortunately but gave him kudos for trying. The car seat was a little too big for the scooter. It held for 2 seconds and then fell off completely. As a 5 year old, that was pretty creative, but it just wasn't going to work. So I had to predict the impending doom that could have occurred if he took it to the road and tell him he couldn't do it. Then the disaster I had to deal with was his temper tantrum for ruining his fun. That was a big storm that day! Sorry kid, but I really want you to keep all of your limbs!
Example B: Ethan's Affection

For as long as he has been alive, Ethan has been an affectionate soul. Kisses on the lips have always been abundant. I was surprised that he even kissed me goodbye on the lips at school a couple of times this year. Then suddenly the other day at 9 years old, kissing Mommy on the lips was banned. He went as far as to run away from me and accidentally run into a wall. From one day to the next he changed his mind and said "You can't kiss me on the lips anymore. We can hug, and you can sometimes kiss me on the cheek. " Wow, heart. broken. There were tears, there was a new owie from hitting the wall, words exchanged about how we love each other even if he wants to show it differently than before, etc. But, I guess I have to let him grow up. I thought I could get away with kisses until he was at least a teenager! I never saw that harsh wind coming! I'm thankful that I am not reduced to a side hug yet! I'm hoping that is only a temporary phase in the teen years!
I can't predict my boys' attitudes, their hobbies, interests, or the way they express themselves. But, I can make a good educated guess by paying attention to them and bringing a sweater and an umbrella. That is all you can be expected to do, mamas! Show them love how they perceive it and how they need it, whether it is through kisses, words, hugs, or joining in on their play and activities. It will probably change again in a week, so be ready to adjust as necessary.
1 John 3:18 NIV
18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.