Help a Sister Out
I used to let fear control my life. I was shy, I was embarrassed all of the time. I kept to myself, because who would want to add more stress and fear into their lives? I didn't want to share my heart with other women, especially other moms because, women can be cruel. Good women, even christian women, tend to gossip and compare each other and bring someone down in the process.
However, I am in a new phase of life. I am conquering fears, getting healthy, and getting my confidence back. I have found a few tribes of women that I can trust. Some are church friends, some are MOPS friends, some are in a support group with me and all of us have known some big struggles in this life. I have learned by opening up to other women, that I don't need them to fix me, I don't need to fix them, I don't need to seem perfect or act like I know what I'm doing. I can just be me. As a mother of two, I don't have tons of hang out time, so I need friends who can survive long gaps between girl time, but still accept me when I come running back. You know what, I found out that when I started helping out women, they started helping me out, too. I may get hurt, I may get disappointed, but living without my female friends is too stressful. So, I am willing to put myself out there and most of the time, they are too, and we have a great time!
Get out there and help a sister out!